30 janv. 2020
Digital ID, the European way
In a world where everything gets digitized, travel documents are also increasingly digital. Thanks to ICAO, ePassports are already...

27 janv. 2020
Your face gets you moving
Biometrics are already a reality when it comes to authentication of a single user: most of us use biometrics to unlock our smartphones....

27 janv. 2020
Your face gets you moving
Biometrics are already a reality when it comes to authentication of a single user: most of us use biometrics to unlock our smartphones....

23 janv. 2020
Cryptocurrencies: the war between governments and corporations is back
While cryptocurrencies were mainly an initiative starting from citizen groups, or small organizations, things are changing....

23 janv. 2020
Cryptocurrencies: the war between governments and corporations is back
While cryptocurrencies were mainly an initiative starting from citizen groups, or small organizations, things are changing....

8 janv. 2020
Will the smart card peak happen in 2020?
For a few years already, we are experiencing an evolution towards less cards and more online solution for all kind of needs. This...

8 janv. 2020
Will the smart card peak happen in 2020?
For a few years already, we are experiencing an evolution towards less cards and more online solution for all kind of needs. This...