29 avr. 2021
Biometric payment cards go mainstream
The secure transactions industry has already been through several evolutions and revolutions along its few decades of existence. However,...

23 avr. 2021
CBDCs, the revenge of governments?
After China has taken many monetary authorities aback with its Digital Yuan, CBDCs – Central Bank Crypto Currencies – seem to be the...

14 avr. 2021
Facebook, LinkedIn, … personal data of million users leaked!
It has recently been made public that personal data belonging to over 500 million Facebook users and over 700 million LinkedIn users had...

7 avr. 2021
Face-powered payments are coming
Facial recognition has been around for a few years, and its primary use is in situations where your face is compared to only one image,...

1 avr. 2021
Hardware move at Google
In the mind of the general public, the name Google does not really convey an image of security. The tech giant has just announced its...