28 févr. 2019
IoT complexity should not threaten security
The Internet of Things is at the center of everyone’s hopes as well as concerns now! No one doubts any more about the development of the...

25 févr. 2019
From taboo to mainstream
One is always criticized for being right too early. The eSIM, which was a taboo a few years ago, is now a mainstream technology. eSIM in...

21 févr. 2019
Standardize or make first?
While 5G is to be the #1 buzzword of the coming week at the MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, not everything is standardized, and...

12 févr. 2019
Facing facial recognition
Since biometry has been becoming more mature, biometric authentication meant fingerprinting for most users. Then, face recognition became...

7 févr. 2019
Microsoft Wallet disappears, other Pay Wallets keep struggling
Microsoft Wallet is retired Microsoft just announced its intention to retire Microsoft Wallet at the end of February. Microsoft Wallet,...

4 févr. 2019
Less handsets? More spending on services!
TMT Predictions, Deloitte As usual, at the beginning of the year, Deloitte published its TMT predictions for 2019. These predictions...

29 janv. 2019
Smart cards have won … for now
ICMA, the International Card Manufacturers Association, a global trade association for card manufacturers, personalizers, issuers and...

23 janv. 2019
Fines, fines, fines ...
MasterCard: EUR 570 million MasterCard has just been sanctioned with a EUR 570.6 million penalty by the European Commission for “limiting...

21 janv. 2019
Fiserv - First Data build giant payment processor
Fiserv and First Data just announced that Fiserv, a company seen as a FinTech is acquiring First Data, the world-leading payment...

10 janv. 2019
Google plays europayment?
Google just announced it has been granted a European “electronic money institution license” raising concerns among the more traditional...