7 avr. 2023
Would an AI Moratorium help?
The risks and ethics of Artificial Intelligence development have been under scrutiny since the inception of the technology. There have...

31 mars 2023
US or Europe, mafias for business
TNW Valencia brings together founders, investors, corporates, and governments interested in high tech. It is the opportunity to discover...

29 mars 2023
Spring returns: Idemia is for sale again!
Several news outlets are announcing the sale of Idemia, a major player in our secure transactions industry world, as imminent. Those with...

24 mars 2023
AI: Prometheus or Frankenstein?
Since ChatGPT has been introduced to the public, tons of comments, posts, etc. have been published. The first step was amazement, but it...

16 mars 2023
The EU goes digital!
The European authorities, the European Commission, Parliament and Council of the European Union, have set up plans to change the future...

10 mars 2023
Anonymity guaranteed?
Anonymity is a requirement for privacy, enforced by GDPR, and a necessity whenever data analysis is conducted. We all want to make sure...

2 mars 2023
After the eSIM, the iSIM!
There is a consensus saying that if mobile communication was started from scratch nowadays in our always-on, always-connected world,...

16 févr. 2023
Handsets: when the shipments are down!
The aftermath of the Covid crisis, the war in Ukraine, the return of inflation, uncertainty on energy supplies and economic concerns...

1 févr. 2023
Fines, fines, fines!
For long, European authorities were more efficient at making new rules than at enforcing them. Things have changed! Now, whenever new...

26 janv. 2023
SCA becomes BAU: Business as Usual
Standardization has been ongoing in payments already for decades. Each standardization step is meant to make payments faster, more...